24. The Polar Express


Fun fact, took me a long time to figure out if this was live action or not as my idiot child self just thought it was a weird exposure filter or something as I only caught a snippet before my first real viewing. I KNOW NOW. 

Also kudos to Tom Hanks for playing like 90% of the cast in this movie, took me a while to place that as well. Reminds me of the time Jim Carrey played 90% of the cast in A Christmas Carol, also a Robert Zemeckis film actually. What a coinky-dink, did they blow the budget on cgi have have to enough to get the star?

Gosh, was it really 2004 this film came out? Despite being a staple of Christmas at this point, I view it every time as if it were the very first. This film is absolutely timeless. It actually made me giggle as I read something on my socials where a tumblr thread pointed out how creepy the animation was and how as kids it traumatized them with the true meaning of Christmas, but as adults the film became laughable. While the point was taken it gives enough to sum the movie up. It gives you a brief glimpse of reality and warps it so you fully appreciate the happy ending and Christmas itself. It's all about believing in yourself and the spirit of giving.

I always find myself going back to the same question, if the Polar Express pulled up outside my house, would I board it? I honestly don't know if my curiosity would outweigh my fear of the unknown. What if this train never came back? What if I died? But at the same time I'd love to go on that train. Obviously the conductor would answer any questions when not doubling as the White Rabbit with 'late, late!', but he's a stranger and we all know about stranger danger, especially when the weird comes to you.
Is it just me who doesn't understand the deal with the ghost of Christmas, or spirit or whoever. Ya know the one with the 'cup o' joe' that looks like gritty oil? Hmmm, I get it's all part of the experience but still, a wee bit odd even if he is super helpful. 
Also, I'm sure the majority of the internet is in agreement with this one, but the annoying speccy kid? Yeah we all know someone like that, but why did he get to come on the ride? I appreciate it is a way for those who have lost faith in Santa to regain it but I thought it was for the ones who truly deserved it. What on earth did that kid do to deserve a place in that carriage? Damn know it all.

I love the idea of the ticket punch, and the bell. Of all the things he could of had, the bell. I respect that little boy so much. I also googled it because I noticed they didn't have names, he is called hero boy. And the girl, hero girl. Why be they heroes? I have so many questions but this is a Christmas eve film and I can't for the life of me remember much about it and I can't watch it to refresh my memory for fear of breaking tradition. You may wonder why I'm doing the review now, well it's because I can and I have this whole plan so leave me be.

Shout out to Mr. S Tyler from Aerosmith by the way, being an elf suits him. Did you see his lil' cameo?

So much effort went into this film that I find it hard to talk about, mainly because I don't know where to begin and what to mention. You may also be thinking, yes Loz but you also can't remember the majority of the film, while that is correct I also know a lot about the film, so it equals out. 

Like this for example, did you know the face of our main boy/ hero boy is Josh Hutcherson? But the voice is Daryl Sabara other wise known as the kid from Spy Kids. Yeah exactly.

Let me put a question to you, would you get on the Polar Express if it turned up on your street?

On that note I think it's best if I start wrapping this up. I give The Polar Express a nice 7/10, it is well thought out, a little creepy which I must say fitted the vibe of A Christmas Carol a lot more...., but a wholesome family crimbo movie. It just ain't Christmas without it!

As my colleague, Bennie, pointed out this morning, it is exactly a week until Christmas Eve today! Lord above, where has the year gone?! I hope you've all done your shopping and are pretty much ready for the festivities, be merry, be safe, and I'll see you on Christmas Eve!
