Happy Easter y'all! I've decided to bump this review forward as I just think it's the perfect sit down family film for this sort of occasion. Especially if you are tired of all the repeats on telly!
So I've noticed that surprisingly my random reviews, such as my Disney stints, don't tend to do so well popularity wise. I think that is an utter shame and I need to work on my publicity so I can get these films out there. I'm not doing it for me, I'm doing it for the Underdogs. These movies deserve recognition.
It's funny, I actually drafted the review for Home on the Range in August 2020. Life changed my plans, I went back to the office, Lockdown 2.0 struck, overall it was a nightmare for everyone so this ended up on the back burner. However, I'm in the mood for a little Disney to uplift the funk that Spring has yet to clear away. It's sunny outside on the Tuesday I'm penning this, and while the air is still chilly I can feel the change and it makes me happy. Happy becomes Disney as if I'm super lucky Tash and I are off to Disneyland Paris next year.
Just thinking about this pending holiday is enough to keep me in high spirits, and the more I plan our holiday the more I need to catch up on my Disney movie list. For those of you who are new here, (and there are a few of you!) I set myself the task a couple of years ago of watching The Complete List of Walt Disney Studios Movies which lists almost every Disney film available to watch. Disney+ has been a great help with this and I got up to 2007 which is the furthest I've ever achieved. Of course the reason for this was so that I could use this knowledge to appreciate all the Easter Eggs and references in the Disney Parks. What can I say, I'm extreme to the core.
Speaking of Disneyland Parks, I've selected this movie to review because the general frontier theme reminds me so much of Frontierland and it makes me crave being back to the Parisian park. I might be wrong, it could be a different land, but those of you who are familiar with the layout will appreciate what I am trying to say. Just look at the movie poster above, do those mountains not remind you of Thunder Mountain or Mesa or whatever? The Cowboy vibes are overwhelming and yet contagious and my oh my I just want to go to Euro Disney and it sucks because life says no right now.
If you take a look back over the course of this blog, I think it is pretty plain to see that I am a Disney nerd and my love of Disney movies can be seen influencing this blog quite a bit. Will I stop? Not a chance. Of course other movies are indeed available, but let us take a look into the premise of Home on the Range...
In a single line: Cows save the day with help of Horse and Hare.
That's it. That's the movie. Aside from a yodeling villain and Steve Buscemi playing a cartoon character that looks eerily like himself, that's as much as it has going for it. But for a movie about a trio of cows it's pretty darn good.
Long story short, a trio of cows go out of their way to save a farm from a sale which leaves them homeless. In the mean time they uncover a greater conspiracy and manage to stop it as well as saving their home. It's your typical feel good movie.
I actually thought that our Main moo-er Grace was voiced by Melissa McCarthy but it turns out it's Jennifer Tilly. This was a brilliant discovery. I also have to give a shout out to my main Dame, Judi Dench. I once volunteered at an animal sanctuary founded by her and Brian May, I've respected her ever since.
All in all, I need to prepare you for the best bit of the entire movie. It involves a train, a yodeling villain, Steve Buscemi, 3 cows, a horse obsessed with justice, dimwitted triplets, and a hare with one leg whO IS DRIVING THE TRAIN. What more can I say? The chaos of that sentence and scene alone should be enough to convince you to watch this film, even if it's only once!
I myself have seen this film a grand total of two times, and yet I can pretty much still see the whole film in the background of my mind. I haven't seen it in over a year now. It is one of those films where the concept is so simple, yet wildly unbelievable, but memorable and enjoyable none the less. It is 100% a one hit wonder though, no sequel required. Bang it on in the background for the weeuns and take a load off!
The movie failed at the box office, so despite me raving about it don't act surprised on my next sentence. In the world of star reviews I'd say this movie equates to about 2.5 stars. In Lauren speak this translates to a 5/10. I want to let you know in the original draft of this review it was only a 4, but I've had some time to reflect and I need to award it a little fairer than I did. So it's settled, 5/10 it is.
Overall, Home on the Range is a good movie, but fairly unremarkable. I'd ask you to watch it at least once in your life time, but I won't freak if it's no more than that!
As always, stay safe, don't steal cows, and leave yodeling to the professionals. Nuff said.
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