Alan Tudyk is a GOD and I won't hear another word against it. Do you know the range this guy has? Talk about under appreciated actors, he's in the top 3.
Welcome loyal followers to my 40th review, where has the time gone?
Side note, I am so sorry this one is late...again, I had some personal issues to sort out as an emergency last night. Everyone is okay though!
I could be wrong but I am fairly certain this is the first time I've talked about aliens with you guys. Not overly my thing, I prefer the more supernatural type creatures to otherworldly. The X-files incorporates both which suits me fine, but otherwise I'm inclined to mostly avoid the genre.
Resident Alien was of course the exception. I've seen plenty of Tudyk things to know I didn't want to miss out on this, even if he was an alien. Also from the adverts I could see it would be brilliant, it made me laugh! That's so rare of shows these days. But it was enough for my parents to decide to give it a go with me, so painstakingly, over 10 Thursdays, we watched the whole thing.
I looked forward to 9pm on a Thursday night from the first episode onward. I only missed one due to sickness and I caught up the moment I recovered because I was gutted that I had missed even one episode!
So to give you a rough outline, bare with me my head isn't with it and this is one of those rare occasions I'm actually writing the review on the day of release, we follow our main man Harry as he settles in to life as a human in order to find his device and destroy the Earth.
We see him develop and become more human as he settles in, mainly due to the fact that he is forced to socialize after the death of the town doctor so he must take his place. We see him make friendships, hide bodies, google how to become a functioning doctor, all the while plotting to destroy his new have. I won't spoil the end, I'll just say it has been renewed for season 2.
I seriously have to commend the acting here. I loved every single one of these characters. Asta has to be my favourite though, she reminds me of myself. I also have a friend who is basically Darcy as well, and one that is as weird as Harry. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if I was dragged into a plot very similar to this one.
I have to hand it to the creators, they have made a very relatable, very funny, dark comedy show. That is hard to do nowadays. There are also so many catchphrases of Harry's that I would like to adopt, most of them are swear words and I've used my explicit warning quite a few times so I've decided to refrain from quoting them. They are kickers though. The bit which is most memorable for me is when Harry got obsessed with Law & Order and every time something dramatic happened he would go 'dun dunk' or whatever, you know the sound effect I'm referring to!
Props to Alan by the way for being able to still make the character believable under all that alien prosthetic. I mean maybe the man is genuinely an alien and that was his true form, either way you could still picture the human equivalent of the facial expressions from the tone of voice. All that make up did not dampen the acting one little bit.
Blimey, this seems so long ago now that I've not left myself with anything to talk about. All I can say is you will 100% fall in love with all these characters and don't let the trailers fool you, it isn't nearly as cheesy as they lead you to believe!
Overall then I would like to award Resident Alien an otherworldly 8/10. I would 10/10 watch this show again as I enjoyed it that much, and I can't wait to see the influences it will have at Comic-con when that becomes a thing again!
Sorry for the short review guys, I'll do better next week!
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