44. Don't Worry Darling


Oh my days, it's been almost a year since I last posted here. Oopsie....

Well I am back, I'll admit I don't know how long for, we've all got lives. But I endeavor to do my best and be as present as possible!

So I am going to ease back in with my latest cinema trip which was to go see Don't Worry Darling with my dear friend Beth. It was a spur of the moment trip as we went shopping before our holiday to Dublin, but I was left thinking of this film for days afterwards. I was left humming that damn tune for a week!

To set the scene, we literally went to see this movie about a week ago, so it is still quite fresh in my mind. I will give you fair warning, you will be left crushing on most of this cast by the end of the movie. I am a Florence fan, I think we could be besties, but I've never been bothered by Mr Styles before, not really. Hot damn this film changed my mind! 

Don't Worry Darling is a bit of an explosion for your mind. You know something is wrong with this world, but you don't see what's coming. I won't spoil it, but it is a bit more technology advanced than you'd expect from the 50s lifestyle that's being played out before us. 

We start out in this beautiful suburb. Everything seems perfect in this idyllic yet slightly old fashioned world. You've got your typical suburban housewives, cocktails, housework, shopping. Very close knit, weekly ballet sessions, dinner parties, you know the drill. The men each go off to work at a set time in the morning to a kiss goodbye from their adoring wife and its all very expected. 

Then it all goes to hell after a lady in the neighbourhood supposedly goes crazy. She brings upset to this little routine and it starts to get to Alice (Pugh), who begins to question everything. She sees a plane crashing and follows it to someplace she shouldn't, then her dream life all falls apart in front of her. Her best friend won't talk to her, her husband won't support her, everyone thinks she's crazy. Then the truth comes to light. 

I'll leave it there for the synopsis as now we are teetering onto dangerous territory, if I say anymore I'll give it away.

Pugh and Styles have chemistry on screen. To the point that I longed for something like what they had. They made me believe they were this horny young couple who were in their honeymoon phase and everything was amazing. The way they looked at each other, even in times of anguish and hurt literally made my heart stop. I was jealous.
The thing is though, and this is going to sound a little cryptic, but I can't quite make up my mind about Jack's (Styles) motive for doing what he did. I can't decide if he loved Alice so much that he wanted the perfect life for them where she didn't have to lift a finger. If this was a way to stop her leaving him as he felt they were drifting, or if it was a purely selfish act and he was a narcissist. 

Beth believes he was completely selfish and he wanted to live out his fantasy, that it was a power play. I'm not so sure. I really want to believe that he loved her so much he created this life that was so different to the awful one they were in, but I have that niggling feeling and he did give me the creeps when we saw the truth. So maybe a point to Beth is needed here. 

I also love the cinematography throughout the whole of this film. I think it was well put together, had a coherent narrative, beautiful people, and I would 100% watch it again. It was thrilling without being confusing, romantic yet twisted, gutting yet beautiful. The whole movie was just a beautiful contradiction, you wanted something to be true only for the harsh reality to crash in just like it did to Alice. Don't Worry Darling very cleverly put you in a similar situation, not only were you the voyeur but you felt like you also woke up by the end of the movie. Both Beth and I  experienced some creepy stuff for the next few days afterwards and were left questioning our own reality and I think that is a brilliant supporting point for this film, it was so good it left us questioning our own reality. That's some deep stuff.

Overall then, I am awarding Don't Worry Darling a 7/10. I strongly believe there should be a sequel due to how we left the ending. I am actually fairly cross about the ending because I need closure. It is unlikely we will get another movie, and to be honest we shouldn't because this was perfect despite my distaste for being left in the lurch, but there is room. The sentiment was beautiful, the plot was creepy, and Pine did brilliant as the substitute villain until we realise the true villain was the one who created the situation, not the man who made it possible. It was a red herring really and I loved it. Seriously, Don't Worry Darling is still in cinemas and I strongly urge everyone to go and watch it, leave me a comment on my socials and tell me what you think!

Until next time Darlings...
