Yes, I know this is the sequel, but I have a very good reason for posting my review on this one first. I actually saw this one first! That's right folks, I had never seen Top Gun, and I hadn't planned on seeing Maverick either but the rave reviews were too much for me to resist!
I went into this movie blind. I had no idea what it would be about other than planes and Tom Cruise. I didn't know there was a 30 year story we were picking up, but I needn't have worried we do get a bit of a recap in the form of flashbacks and you soon piece together enough of the old story to respect the new one.
Before this movie I had an issue with Miles Teller and to be honest that was my original motivation for not watching the movie. Nothing against the guy he is a sweetheart, but his face reminded me a tiny bit of my ex which annoyed me so I decided to just avoid at all costs. Changed my mind, screw him I will not let anything ruin my movies and I found myself pleasantly surprised. Teller and Cruise have believable chemistry and I won't be surprised if there is a Top Gun 3. I do feel like we need a new story though as after seeing the original this movie is basically a complete nostalgia trip and re-write of the original. We have competition between Rooster and Hangman which mirrors Maverick and Iceman's rivalry from the first one. We have a tragic death although I won't say who, Tom Cruise shoving his tongue down another pretty lady's throat, the volleyball scene, overbearing authority, Tom Cruise saving the day. Boom, deja vu.
I have now seen Top Gun: Maverick twice. The second time was at a Top Gun double bill which I went to with my brother. He really wanted to see Top Gun: Maverick but refused without seeing the first one he refused to buy it and it was not streaming anywhere. Everytime he found it on the actually telly he either missed it through no fault of his own or it turned out to be that old western movie with the same name which is actually about a horse or something not fighter jets. Now my baby brother is impressed by any sort of machinery. I'm talking cars, guns, tanks, planes, trains, technology, you name it the boy can reel off its qualities and specifications like the friggen log book. But I have to admit, I was actually interested in his running commentary in the car on the way home about the planes or jets used and whatever else he was going on about. As you can tell I have forgotten almost all of it (we saw these movies in August) but it was quality time with my bro over a shared interest which we don't always have anymore.
Top Gun: Maverick follows Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell as he effectively tries to get back on the horse. He'd left Top Gun, he was unlucky in love and unlucky in jobs, but still the same old cocky guy as before pushing the military and whomever else to the limit because he thinks he is right. But we see he does have some morals and Goose's death in the first film still deeply affects him to the point that as guardian of Goose's son Bradley he makes some decisions that the kid wasn't so happy about. Mav is as close to a dad as Bradley had after the death of Goose and it was sad (even though I hadn't a clue) to see them estranged. I only knew about the death of Goose because my mum told me, so I managed to piece together this little plot point fairly quickly. Anyway, we follow Mav as he is reenlisted in Top Gun but as an instructor, and his job is to basically teach the best of the best how to complete a mission with a 0% survival rate. They need to get their job done so they don't die in vain. Now Mav is against this, he is even more against this when he realises Bradley is one of the recruits. So he decides he is gunna save these kids and make the impossible task possible. With the approval of Iceman who nominated him for this to begin with we see Maverick navigate his difficult relationship with Rooster, teach these kids some flying, and fall in love with the lovely Penny who is Jennifer Connelly.
As you can see it has some big faces in it but that ain't all. We have some cute nods to the original and some cameos which I am glad made it in. I thought there were quite a few sweet scenes involving all of these. Like all of Iceman's scenes and not to mention the Great Balls of Fire scene, that got to me and I didn't even understand until the flashback. After I had watched the original and then watched Maverick again it really really got me.
This movie is action packed, it is suspense riddled, funny, romantic, sad in places. I didn't know what to do or who I was, I was so damn absorbed in this movie I didn't know how to go back to normal life. I walked out the cinema thinking I was on a beach near a flying facility not in a shopping centre car park. Tom Cruise had done it again. I wan't to believe this man is over-rated but I just can't do it. He has too much talent and seems like a really nice guy so I am not mad that he is everywhere in everything and good at it. I was like 'do we really need another Top Gun movie?' not caring about the original enough to even have bothered watching it. The answer was yes. But then I was left with the dilemma, is Top Gun going to be a disappointment in comparison to Maverick? Well you will just have to wait for my review on it to find out...
I give Top Gun: Maverick an 8/10. If I had watched that movie in 4DX or IMAX or whatever I would have been sick. But as it was my seat was stationary, the movie had a great soundtrack, an attractive cast and a brilliant yet rehashed plot. I enjoyed myself, and I enjoyed myself the second time. The second viewing the movie flew by and it felt like I had blinked and the credits were up, but I was no less in awe than the first time. I love it.
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