So the recent Cineworld Secret Screening and dear Kieran's first film based event with me was in fact Elemental.
What was funny is that very morning I'd booked us tickets for the release day in July. We're suckers for a Disney movie and Elemental had been on my personal list for a little while now. I liked the original almost rom-com aspect marketed and it looked a lot more appealing than Strange World ever did.
The movie itself once again carried the theme of generational trauma that Disney have been exploring since Mulan. It seems a lot more present in more recent movies like Turning Red and Coco, but we also still have the dead parent aspect that almost all Disney movies have. Wade lost his dad and its a turning point for the plot despite not being too massively focused on. It helps him help Ember from falling apart..
I really like the focus on different cultures and immigration in this film. Obviously the elements in this movie are basically just childish code for race, and the fire elements gave me serious China vibes. I thought it was absolutely adorable, and very realistic how it was all shown. Disney/Pixar did not shy away from the topic of racism in this movie at all having the fire district discriminated against and called names and such. This was an interesting way to broach the topic with children and I think it did it justice because you find yourself relating even if it hasnt happened to you, and enlightened about how to act after. I love the morals and teaching points in these movies, as well as the happy endings where the traumatised character learns to let go and accept themselves. It's a small victory and not even a massive happy ending, but it's enough for those who relate to that character. The gentleman who wrote this was heavily influenced by his own life. His Korean parents moving to America and starting over, him finding his wife and trying to become multi-racial, it was both heartbreaking and fascinating reading the inspiration for this. I love it though.
I adored the budding relationship between Wade and Ember. Let's face it, he was practically smitten with her from the moment they met, and she couldn't see past her taught hatred for water which she learnt from her father. As their relationship grew her misconceptions dropped and we saw the real Ember for the first time, not her father's image. We saw Wade fall hard and fast and Ember slowly let herself go into loving both herself and then him. It was a beautiful thing to behold and something that reminded me of my own love life. I also loved the idea of them sort of evolving so they were able to love each other, as in the touch aspect.
Elemental was so picturesque. The setting was bright, the atmosphere breezy, this was marketed as like the ideal world. Clearly intentional as you then go to the firetown bit and it is a little less appealing. The colours are deeper and darker, everything seems a little bit more industrial (metal and stuff), very urban and not nearly as sort of ecological as seeing Wade's place. I loved the side characters some being strong willed and some not, each having their own identity. I also loved the fact our very own train nerd Francis Bourgeois got a little cameo with the water train. That was cute. What I'm saying is this movie is extremely aesthetically pleasing. You also got a little science wound in with Ember turning different colours as she burnt angrily purple (got hotter), and with the gemstone/minerals how she glowed beautiful colours which also set the scene as this was the moment they started falling in love. Then Wade with his little rainbow. Aww my heart melts!
I also cant look into this movie without addressing the Pixar Up short that plays at the start. This had me silently crying before the actual movie even began. Up is so sad to begin with, and now Carl is going on a date. We see him navigate his jitters with the help of Dug and his sweet tribute to his love to Ellie was the moment the waterworks started and oh my god I wont spoil anymore but it is adorable.
Speaking of crying at Pixar, yes there were tears during Elemental. It got me at the penultimate scene where her dad almost disowns her and it all goes wrong. I think I might have cried during the chimney scene as well, but the movie doesnt come out til friday so I wont say anymore!
What I will say, while keeping this short and sweet, is if you are thinking about seeing this movie on its release then please do! It is the best Disney/Pixar movie I have seen in years! I think the magic is coming back with the movie making a little, and this one truly was an original story and was well executed. It had me crying, invested in the characters, it wasn't boring in the slightest, and I cannot physically emphasize how adorable it was.
The movie had a lot of humour as well, I'm so pleased they've finally managed to bring the old comedic/heartbreaking formula into the present day. Strange World was a bit of a flop let's face it and Turning Red was the only other recent movie I can think of which was both original and really good. This one was a little more adult as well, there was certainly a moment or two where Kieran and I shared a look because something got a bit saucy or grown up!
All in all, I'm giving Elemental an 8/10. I'd watch it again in a heartbeat. I'm leaving it there with my slightly spoiler free look!
So! Once the movie is released give me a comment on my socials, what did you think!?
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